Tel: 208.682.2131 932 Coeur d'Alene River Road
Kingston, Idaho 83893
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AdaptableRock Crushing Machines

Increase productivity over 200% by eliminating excessive hauling fees

Vanway Crusher in Action Image


Whether you are a private Contractor or Government Agency, the Vanway Rock Crushing V600 is going to meet your needs. The V600 was designed by a roads engineer contractor for road building and road reclamation. Rocky, rural roads are the most expensive to maintain. The Linear Crusher was built with exactly that in mind. With the engineering experience needed to build roads the right way, our engineers know exactly what is needed to get the job done right while cutting down on time, manpower and money. Stop spending time and money hauling out rock. Crush any rock on-site to be used for long lasting roads.

At Vanway Rock Crushers, we know your budgets are strained and we understand the need to have equipment and tools that will save you money. No other Crusher is designed to allow the tooling for rock crushing to be switched out on site. Hammers and Picks can be switched by one man. Owner, Sid Clark, designed the V600 to be easy to use and cost effective. The Vanway Rock Crusher is fast and once we train your crew, you will have operators creating and fixing many miles of roadways with ease, that in the past where considered high maintenance. The Vanway V600 Rock Crusher was created to build and maintain roads efficiently and save you money.

Vanway Crusher Image


Yes, you can do both! The Vanway V600 Rock Crusher will save you thousands of dollars from continually hauling in gravel from outside areas. The yearly permit costs of operating a pit are approximately 20K-50K\Year. Our Linear Rock Crusher will eliminate the cost of stockpiling gravel and hauling it back into the job site. That fee alone is a constantly reoccurring expense you can reduce instantly with the V600 Crusher. Our linear rock crushing machine frees up your crew to work more cost effectively and efficiently with less manpower, which will open up other road projects for the rest of the crew to work simultaneously in other locations.

Environmentally there is no substitute for the Linear Crusher. We are approved to work on closed tribal grounds and require no additional permits. The EPA also gives us their stamp of approval due to the low dust output and the savings on diesel and trucks hauling gravel to a site from miles away. Additionally, the USFS has conducted studies that show our equipment has a minimal effect on native wildlife as well as being approved for work next to Class 1 streams. Vanway proudly operates under OSHA Certification.

Vanway Example of Crushed Road


When you are going to the expense of maintaining a road you need to be sure that your time is spent wisely. Why would you constantly do the same process time after time when it doesn’t work anyway? Einstein called that the definition of insanity. The V600 will do it right to start with. Crush it, Blend it, Grade it, and Compact it. Your road will then be ready to drive on for years to come. Stop hauling in truckloads of gravel that just end up pushed off into the ditches that need to be cleared out every season, just to end up with potholes and washboards. Residents and commuters will be thanking you for actually solving the problems in their roads, waving to you with all five fingers!

The V600 Crusher is the only machine out there that actually does what it says it will. Your budgets will reflect it. And the locals will appreciate it as much as your County Clerks or Contracting Officer.

View TheVanway On-Road Crushers

Vanway can dramatically improve your road building process


The Vanway V600H Rock Crusher builds the best possible road structure from the bottom up. Layer upon layer of processed and crushed aggregate laminates durability and strength into the road. The optimally blended and fractured output of the V600H infuses strength into each layer. The result: a superior structure that lasts for years and cuts future road reclamation and maintenance work by an average of 400%.


Consider the time, labor, trucking, and short- lasting results of traditional repairs. Most, if not all, of the trucking and new material costs can be eliminated with LRC. The setup cost is substantially less than pit crushers and the longevity of the results is significantly greater than just blading alone can do. The results of projects done by a Vanway Linear Rock Crusher typically last many times longer between maintenance intervals than using traditional methods.


The Vanway V600H Road Rock Crusher hands you control over your resource usage. Crush only the rock you want, how much rock you want, when you want, and from anywhere you want. In-situ rock crushing eliminates wasteful overages and costly stockpiling. Efficient roadbuilding and road reclamation is what makes the V600H the only choice for on-road rock processing. The V600H slashes Dust Pollution, Emissions, and Infrastructure Stress to near zero. With over a 300% reduction in emissions within one mile on-road crushing saves.


The Vanway V600H Linear Crusher is the first and only on-road crushing system to break the 2” minus sizing mark in all rock types with being able to crush down to 1” minus from 18” in a single pass and smaller with recirculation passes. With all of action taking place in front of the operator it is safer and more ergonomic than the tow-behind and drive-backwards units. With focus on efficient material reduction and operator comfort and safety, the V600H Linear Rock Crusher is the best on-road rock crushing option available.

Service Guarantee

Vanway stands by the rock grinding machines they build. We guarantee 5,000 hours on the frame weldments, the John Deere Engine is warranted through John Deere and all other rock crushing machinery parts carry a 12 month and/or 500 hour warranty. Made tough in the USA, the V600H will stand up to all types of rock throughout tough terrain.

On-site Training

Once you have purchased your Vanway V600H Rock Crusher, you and your team will receive 20 hours of on-site training and certification. Utilizing the V600H’s road building, road reclamation and rock crushing abilities is key to your company or organization being as efficient as possible. Vanway also adds an additional on-site scarification tooling training to ensure your entire team feels confident and knowledgeable when out in the field. Vanway is committed to transferring every last piece of experience and knowledge to your team. Once they are certified, they will be able to train others within your company or organization.