Tel: 208.682.2131 932 Coeur d'Alene River Road
Kingston, Idaho 83893
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Cuts Through Challenging Terrain with One Pass


Vanway v600H Crusher in Action

Lou Miller
Engineer Technician

This is absolutely the most cost-effective way to get usable, maintainable material back on the road, and provides a perfect opportunity to correct deficiencies such as drainage and clear - zones at the same time. If Ferry Co. can economically justify purchasing a Vanway Linear Rock Crusher, everyone can. Vanway Linear Crushers save us so much money we can finally afford to get caught up on our tremendous backlog. It just makes sense.

Travis Clark
Operations Manager

Our crews never hesitate to tear up a road to fix a problem because they know that with the V600H they can easily put it back to bed again.

Jim Vandeventer
Roads Supervisor

Hauling from a stockpile gives you whatever gradation was crushed into that pile, with a Vanway Linear Rock Crusher you get to custom tailor the gradation to the sight specific need.

Greg Stern

I just think it's a great process. We had 10 million board feet (Approx. 2000 trucks or 80,000 tons) to haul out. The road held up for that entire time. The Vanway Linear Rock Crusher is able to crush pit run, compact it and actually shape the road. While making the grade right. But more importantly, this rock crusher allows you to crush rock in place- it saves your trucking costs and head cost. The ‘In situ crushing’ minimizes or negates the hauling of more rock. The improved grades and the compaction process, along with the crushing really helps the road hold shape for extended periods of time, rather than just laying it over and trying to pack it.

Jeff Parker

Vanway Linear Rock Crushers make sense not only for forestry, but also for mines, logging, oil extraction, counties, and organizations like the Bureau of Land Management. If you don’t have a pit that’s right along the road you’re working on, costs can skyrocket. The Vanway Linear Rock crusher was the only equipment we could get up there to get enough gravel on the road. Five miles of resurfaced gravel road became 17 miles.

Nick Jones

Over a 10-year road maintenance cycle, the DNR estimates that about $4,000 per mile is saved using a linear crusher. Vanway Rock Crusher roads hold their shape longer and wear better. This makes for a safer, smoother ride for trucks or vehicles on the road. The linear crusher’s hammer-anvil type system can break up our hard-fractured basalt.

Tony Frost

It’s an amazing transformation of the material that’s on the road. Being a less expensive alternative than hauling in a pit crusher, we got a better bang for our buck. Driving on it after the Vanway Linear Rock Crusher, it became a better road.